viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Out of the circle

Aunque lo sigo haciendo en todos los libros que leo, hace mucho que ya no lo compartía, siempre que leo alguna frase que me gusta doblo la página para acordarme después, luego siempre se me olvida y los libros se quedan llenos de hojas dobladas en mi librero, pero por eso me gusta compartirlas, para que no se me olviden. 
Hace poco terminé de leer Just Kids, de Patti Smith. Me lo encontré por casualidad un día esperando a que B terminara de comprar regalos de su viaje y desde que lo empecé a leer me enamoró con su historia. Estas son unas de las hojas que fui doblando. 
But secretly I knew I had been transformed, moved by the revelation that human being create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not.
It was a real Clark Kent moment.
It was a good day to arrive in New York City. No one expected me. Everything awaited me.
We wanted, it seemed, what we already had, a lover and a friend to create with, side by side. To be loyal, yet be free.
Harry would test me with a question. The answer had to be a silver of knowledge expanding into a lie composed of facts.
“What are you eating?”
“Kidney Beans.”

“Why are you eating them?”
“To piss of Pythagoras.”
“Under the stars?”
“Out of the circle.”

The things I thought would happen didn’t. Things I never anticipated unfolded.
I was scattered and stymied, surrounded by unfinished songs and abandoned poems. I would go as far as I could and hit a wall, my own imagined limitations. And then I met a fellow who gave me his secret and it was pretty simple. When you hit a wall, just kick it in.
We needed time to figure out what all of this meant, how we were going to come to terms and redefine what our love was called. I learned from him that often contradiction is the clearest way to truth.
When I walked on the stages of the world without him I would close my eyes and picture him taking off his leather jacket, entering with me the infinite land of a thousand dances.
So my last image was the first. A sleeping youth cloaked in light, who opened his eyes with a smile of recognition for someone who had never been a stranger. 

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